Furkot is a road trip planning web application. It maintains a directory of trip itineraries for each user. When creating an itinerary the user specifies trip date and destination. Furkot displays a map of the trip area with attractions and points of interest that the user can add to the itinerary as stops.
Furkot supports planning a wide variety of activities: hiking, biking, climbing, skiing, snowshoeing. It also displays on the map geocoded wikipedia articles, outdoor places, restaurants, gas stations, electric charging stations, and travel-related deals.
Furkot calculates driving times and distances between stops and shows routes on the map. It automatically breaks the itinerary into days based on both driving time and time spent at attractions. Furkot also suggests hotels along the route based on user's preferences.
In addition to hotels, Furkot allows users to select different types of accommodations: campgrounds, bed-and-breakfast, hostels, private rooms, apartments, and vacation rentals.
As part of planning a trip Furkot directs users to booking sites to reserve hotels, cars, and flights. The landing pages of booking sites open pre-populated with checkin/checkout dates, locations, and other relevant booking details.
Furkot is fully optimized for small screen and offline use allowing users to view trip itineraries on their mobile devices.
Furkot is implemented with the help of numerous open source technologies. On the server side it is an Express application with jade templates and less CSS processor, running on node.js behind nginx web server. Our database of choice is MongoDB. The client side is put together with help of browserify.